Source code for networkx.generators.geometric

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    Copyright (C) 2004-2016 by
#    Aric Hagberg <>
#    Dan Schult <>
#    Pieter Swart <>
#    All rights reserved.
#    BSD license.
# Authors: Aric Hagberg (
#          Dan Schult (
#          Ben Edwards (
"""Generators for geometric graphs.
from __future__ import division

from bisect import bisect_left
from itertools import combinations
from itertools import product
from math import sqrt
import math
import random
from random import uniform

import networkx as nx
from networkx.utils import nodes_or_number

__all__ = ['geographical_threshold_graph', 'waxman_graph',
           'navigable_small_world_graph', 'random_geometric_graph']

def euclidean(x, y):
    """Returns the Euclidean distance between the vectors ``x`` and ``y``.

    Each of ``x`` and ``y`` can be any iterable of numbers. The
    iterables must be of the same length.

    return sqrt(sum((a - b) ** 2 for a, b in zip(x, y)))

[docs]def random_geometric_graph(n, radius, dim=2, pos=None, metric=None): """Returns a random geometric graph in the unit cube. The random geometric graph model places `n` nodes uniformly at random in the unit cube. Two nodes are joined by an edge if the distance between the nodes is at most `radius`. Parameters ---------- n : int or iterable Number of nodes or iterable of nodes radius: float Distance threshold value dim : int, optional Dimension of graph pos : dict, optional A dictionary keyed by node with node positions as values. metric : function A metric on vectors of numbers (represented as lists or tuples). This must be a function that accepts two lists (or tuples) as input and yields a number as output. The function must also satisfy the four requirements of a `metric`_. Specifically, if *d* is the function and *x*, *y*, and *z* are vectors in the graph, then *d* must satisfy 1. *d*(*x*, *y*) ≥ 0, 2. *d*(*x*, *y*) = 0 if and only if *x* = *y*, 3. *d*(*x*, *y*) = *d*(*y*, *x*), 4. *d*(*x*, *z*) ≤ *d*(*x*, *y*) + *d*(*y*, *z*). If this argument is not specified, the Euclidean distance metric is used. .. _metric: Returns ------- Graph A random geometric graph, undirected and without self-loops. Each node has a node attribute ``'pos'`` that stores the position of that node in Euclidean space as provided by the ``pos`` keyword argument or, if ``pos`` was not provided, as generated by this function. Examples -------- Create a random geometric graph on twenty nodes where nodes are joined by an edge if their distance is at most 0.1:: >>> G = nx.random_geometric_graph(20, 0.1) Specify an alternate distance metric using the ``metric`` keyword argument. For example, to use the "`taxicab metric`_" instead of the default `Euclidean metric`_:: >>> dist = lambda x, y: sum(abs(a - b) for a, b in zip(x, y)) >>> G = nx.random_geometric_graph(10, 0.1, metric=dist) .. _taxicab metric: .. _Euclidean metric: Notes ----- This uses an `O(n^2)` algorithm to build the graph. A faster algorithm is possible using k-d trees. The `pos` keyword argument can be used to specify node positions so you can create an arbitrary distribution and domain for positions. For example, to use a 2D Gaussian distribution of node positions with mean (0, 0) and standard deviation 2:: >>> import random >>> n = 20 >>> p = {i: (random.gauss(0, 2), random.gauss(0, 2)) for i in range(n)} >>> G = nx.random_geometric_graph(n, 0.2, pos=p) References ---------- .. [1] Penrose, Mathew, *Random Geometric Graphs*, Oxford Studies in Probability, 5, 2003. """ # TODO Is this function just a special case of the geographical # threshold graph? # # n_name, nodes = n # half_radius = {v: radius / 2 for v in nodes} # return geographical_threshold_graph(nodes, theta=1, alpha=1, # weight=half_radius) # n_name, nodes = n G = nx.Graph() = 'random_geometric_graph({}, {}, {})'.format(n, radius, dim) G.add_nodes_from(nodes) # If no positions are provided, choose uniformly random vectors in # Euclidean space of the specified dimension. if pos is None: pos = {v: [random.random() for i in range(dim)] for v in nodes} nx.set_node_attributes(G, 'pos', pos) # If no distance metric is provided, use Euclidean distance. if metric is None: metric = euclidean def should_join(pair): u, v = pair u_pos, v_pos = pos[u], pos[v] return metric(u_pos, v_pos) <= radius # Join each pair of nodes whose distance is at most `radius`. (We # know each node has a data attribute ``'pos'`` because we created # such an attribute for each node above.) # # TODO This is an O(n^2) algorithm, a k-d tree could be used # instead. nodes = G.nodes(data='pos') G.add_edges_from(filter(should_join, combinations(G, 2))) return G
[docs]def geographical_threshold_graph(n, theta, alpha=2, dim=2, pos=None, weight=None, metric=None): r"""Returns a geographical threshold graph. The geographical threshold graph model places `n` nodes uniformly at random in a rectangular domain. Each node `u` is assigned a weight :math:`w_u`. Two nodes `u` and `v` are joined by an edge if .. math:: w_u + w_v \ge \theta r^{\alpha} where `r` is the distance between `u` and `v`, and :math:`\theta`, :math:`\alpha` are parameters. Parameters ---------- n : int or iterable Number of nodes or iterable of nodes theta: float Threshold value alpha: float, optional Exponent of distance function dim : int, optional Dimension of graph pos : dict Node positions as a dictionary of tuples keyed by node. weight : dict Node weights as a dictionary of numbers keyed by node. metric : function A metric on vectors of numbers (represented as lists or tuples). This must be a function that accepts two lists (or tuples) as input and yields a number as output. The function must also satisfy the four requirements of a `metric`_. Specifically, if *d* is the function and *x*, *y*, and *z* are vectors in the graph, then *d* must satisfy 1. *d*(*x*, *y*) ≥ 0, 2. *d*(*x*, *y*) = 0 if and only if *x* = *y*, 3. *d*(*x*, *y*) = *d*(*y*, *x*), 4. *d*(*x*, *z*) ≤ *d*(*x*, *y*) + *d*(*y*, *z*). If this argument is not specified, the Euclidean distance metric is used. .. _metric: Returns ------- Graph A random geographic threshold graph, undirected and without self-loops. Each node has a node attribute ``'pos'`` that stores the position of that node in Euclidean space as provided by the ``pos`` keyword argument or, if ``pos`` was not provided, as generated by this function. Similarly, each node has a node attribute ``'weight'`` that stores the weight of that node as provided or as generated. Examples -------- Specify an alternate distance metric using the ``metric`` keyword argument. For example, to use the "`taxicab metric`_" instead of the default `Euclidean metric`_:: >>> dist = lambda x, y: sum(abs(a - b) for a, b in zip(x, y)) >>> G = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(10, 0.1, metric=dist) .. _taxicab metric: .. _Euclidean metric: Notes ----- If weights are not specified they are assigned to nodes by drawing randomly from the exponential distribution with rate parameter :math:`\lambda=1`. To specify weights from a different distribution, use the `weight` keyword argument:: >>> import random >>> n = 20 >>> w = {i: random.expovariate(5.0) for i in range(n)} >>> G = nx.geographical_threshold_graph(20, 50, weight=w) If node positions are not specified they are randomly assigned from the uniform distribution. References ---------- .. [1] Masuda, N., Miwa, H., Konno, N.: Geographical threshold graphs with small-world and scale-free properties. Physical Review E 71, 036108 (2005) .. [2] Milan Bradonjić, Aric Hagberg and Allon G. Percus, Giant component and connectivity in geographical threshold graphs, in Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph (WAW 2007), Antony Bonato and Fan Chung (Eds), pp. 209--216, 2007 """ n_name, nodes = n G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes) # If no weights are provided, choose them from an exponential # distribution. if weight is None: weight = {v: random.expovariate(1) for v in G} # If no positions are provided, choose uniformly random vectors in # Euclidean space of the specified dimension. if pos is None: pos = {v: [random.random() for i in range(dim)] for v in nodes} # If no distance metric is provided, use Euclidean distance. if metric is None: metric = euclidean nx.set_node_attributes(G, 'weight', weight) nx.set_node_attributes(G, 'pos', pos) # Returns ``True`` if and only if the nodes whose attributes are # ``du`` and ``dv`` should be joined, according to the threshold # condition. def should_join(pair): u, v = pair u_pos, v_pos = pos[u], pos[v] u_weight, v_weight = weight[u], weight[v] return theta * metric(u_pos, v_pos) ** alpha <= u_weight + v_weight G.add_edges_from(filter(should_join, combinations(G, 2))) return G
[docs]def waxman_graph(n, alpha=0.4, beta=0.1, L=None, domain=(0, 0, 1, 1), metric=None): r"""Return a Waxman random graph. The Waxman random graph model places `n` nodes uniformly at random in a rectangular domain. Each pair of nodes at distance `d` is joined by an edge with probability .. math:: p = \alpha \exp(-d / \beta L). This function implements both Waxman models, using the `L` keyword argument. * Waxman-1: if `L` is not specified, it is set to be the maximum distance between any pair of nodes. * Waxman-2: if `L` is specified, the distance between a pair of nodes is chosen uniformly at random from the interval `[0, L]`. Parameters ---------- n : int or iterable Number of nodes or iterable of nodes alpha: float Model parameter beta: float Model parameter L : float, optional Maximum distance between nodes. If not specified, the actual distance is calculated. domain : four-tuple of numbers, optional Domain size, given as a tuple of the form `(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)`. metric : function A metric on vectors of numbers (represented as lists or tuples). This must be a function that accepts two lists (or tuples) as input and yields a number as output. The function must also satisfy the four requirements of a `metric`_. Specifically, if *d* is the function and *x*, *y*, and *z* are vectors in the graph, then *d* must satisfy 1. *d*(*x*, *y*) ≥ 0, 2. *d*(*x*, *y*) = 0 if and only if *x* = *y*, 3. *d*(*x*, *y*) = *d*(*y*, *x*), 4. *d*(*x*, *z*) ≤ *d*(*x*, *y*) + *d*(*y*, *z*). If this argument is not specified, the Euclidean distance metric is used. .. _metric: Returns ------- Graph A random Waxman graph, undirected and without self-loops. Each node has a node attribute ``'pos'`` that stores the position of that node in Euclidean space as generated by this function. Examples -------- Specify an alternate distance metric using the ``metric`` keyword argument. For example, to use the "`taxicab metric`_" instead of the default `Euclidean metric`_:: >>> dist = lambda x, y: sum(abs(a - b) for a, b in zip(x, y)) >>> G = nx.waxman_graph(10, 0.5, 0.1, metric=dist) .. _taxicab metric: .. _Euclidean metric: References ---------- .. [1] B. M. Waxman, *Routing of multipoint connections*. IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. 6(9),(1988) 1617--1622. """ n_name, nodes = n G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(nodes) (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = domain # Each node gets a uniformly random position in the given rectangle. pos = {v: (uniform(xmin, xmax), uniform(ymin, ymax)) for v in G} nx.set_node_attributes(G, 'pos', pos) # If no distance metric is provided, use Euclidean distance. if metric is None: metric = euclidean # If the maximum distance L is not specified (that is, we are in the # Waxman-1 model), then find the maximum distance between any pair # of nodes. # # In the Waxman-1 model, join nodes randomly based on distance. In # the Waxman-2 model, join randomly based on random l. if L is None: L = max(metric(x, y) for x, y in combinations(pos.values(), 2)) dist = lambda u, v: metric(pos[u], pos[v]) else: dist = lambda u, v: random.random() * L # `pair` is the pair of nodes to decide whether to join. def should_join(pair): return random.random() < alpha * math.exp(-dist(*pair) / (beta * L)) G.add_edges_from(filter(should_join, combinations(G, 2))) return G